Karlovy Vary Region
We Have Launched
Digital Marketing
in the Karlovy Vary
In 2017, we were given the opportunity to launch digital marketing of the Karlovy Vary Region focused on tourism. Thanks to the fact that we stood at the start of the work of the destination agency of the Karlovy Vary Region, we had a unique opportunity to create a complete marketing strategy and put it into work.

We created a digital visual identity for the Živý Kraj brand and began implementing our strategy into individual digital channels.
We purchase, manage and optimize display advertising
both directly and through the programmatic network and
display networks of Google Adwords or Seznam Sklik.

New website
In 2019, we have started the preparation of a new comprehensive website.
We have conducted a comprehensive analysis, designed a new information
architecture, created a content structure, prepared a modern and responsive
web design and started with the implementation of the entire project.

Our other
activities for the client:
Preparation of graphic documents for printing
Consulting services
Preparation of activities for events
Video content production